I have very fond memories of playing Nier Automata and Bloodborne in my small one-room apartment after jogging when I was still a student. I think that was the first time ever that I felt like I was in control of my life :) The game itself actually helped me with that too. I just felt very powerful slashing my way through Yharnam and beating up all the beasts of the night. The Lovecraftian setting worked really well for me, I'm just a sucker for cosmic horror. I also really liked the faster gameplay, which felt really good after some familiarization. However, I would particularly like to emphasize the soundtrack, which shines especially in the DLC areas; the Ludwig theme has been burned into my brain forever. I'll also never forget how I nearly lost my mind trying to defeat Orphan of Cos. What a game. A couple of years later, I played it again with a friend of mine and the game was still a banger, those were good times :)

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024


what a killer set of games to have fond memories of

13 days ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 Playing two masterpieces back to back sure was special. Those were the days, man :D