You go into a dungeon. You spend 30 minutes solving one of the crappiest puzzles in video game history. You are constantly attacked by monsters that are either easy as pie or can wipe you out completely in one go, depending on your luck. After what feels like an eternity, you have finally solved the puzzles on all 3 levels of the dungeon. Before you descend back into the dungeon, you go out again to save, as there could be a boss. You save, return to the dungeon and all the puzzles have been completely reset. So you get to start all over again...FUCK THIS GAME!!! Ok, I calmed down and actually played through the game :D I have to admit that I had a good time with Dragon Quest V after all. I especially liked the cross-generational story. There's just something magical about seeing the world and the characters you've met evolve over the course of the story. I had read a lot of positive things about the story beforehand. It was often emphasized here that there were some twists and turns that you could never have foreseen. I have to strongly disagree with that. The story follows a fairly classic fantasy pattern, has a few little surprises up its sleeve, but never becomes profound or particularly twisty :D Nevertheless, I found it charming, just like the characters, their conflicts and personalities. The antagonist of the game is also often praised, I find him ok at best. Yes, Nimzo and his subjects do some misdeeds in the course of the game, but I didn't really understand why they are soooo dangerous and evil for the world. Actually, they don't do much the whole game :D I found the gameplay nice but also very monotonous. The game is from 1992 and you can really feel it here. I find it annoying that I never know in which order it's someone's turn. It's also annoying that enemies can simply call in more support and the battles can drag on forever. The random encounter rate is also really high. All in all, I thought it was nice but unfortunately I wasn't really carried away by it.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2024
