I don't want to spend too many words on this game because it's absolutely not worth it. I have no idea what went wrong at Intelligent Systems, but this is probably the worst writing I've experienced to date. I can barely put into words how stupid this game is in everything related to the writing - story, dialogue, worldbuilding, characters...it's all a nonsensical, illogical jumble of stupid clichés, predictable twists and absolutely overdramatized scenes that have none of the impact they're supposed to have on the player. To write such garbage and then integrate it into a tactics game with a more adult target audience is a disgrace, especially after the great Three Houses. I played through it anyway because of the solid gameplay and the very cool Engage mechanics. But I wouldn't recommend it, the gameplay changes aren't interesting enough for that. What a waste.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

gameplay is better than Three Houses