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In many ways this is the best Danganronpa. It's new and shiny and opulent in its spectacle. Characters interact more, everything looks better and there's more heart in this more than the other games. I feel the same way about this game as I feel about Dark Souls 3, I'm glad it exists because it looks and plays better, despite the flaws. The trials and mystery are complex and I enjoyed them, but things kinda get weird. You sometimes need the input of Monokuma or the cubs to advance the trial and the mistakes killers make seem very stupid considering their plans. I have more criticism for this game more than the other 2. I don't know if I hold this game at a higher standard or it's the game that hints and fails at something more complex. It's clear to me they wanted to end Danganronpa with a bang, especially with trial 1 and 5. Trial 6 is the contentious one and, although I hated it at first, I think it's really good. It's one of the few twists in this series that change how you see the events before it, and not in some metaphorical sense. The number of case files in your lab, some fanservice scenes, your experience with the other games, they all start mattering and you start making theories, exploring and engaging with the material. DRV3 is a good game, I'm glad it exists and I'm quite fond of it. Goodbye Danganronpa.