Not an objectively great game, but I have very fond memories of this game.
It was one of the Wii games at a Boys and Girls Club I used to go to, and most of the time that place was miserable. However, they had a copy of Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, and playing that with all the homies was fun. We eventually decided to play the story mode, as nobody wanted to play as Amy, and there were even more fond memories there. We all took turns trying to beat each stage of the campaign (With me pretty much beating the entire game, considering I was the best player there), and the hype at the final boss was real, and when we beat him, that was fuckin awesome.

That place was kinda shit, but there were many fond memories there. The game may not be amazing, but it holds a special place in my heart.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2022
