Dreamwild 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 26, 2022

Platforms Played


Aesthetically a treat, but the game surrounding it is frustrating.

The weapon feels bad to use and the fact that you lose your projectile unless you're at full health is obnoxious. First person melee almost always feels awful and in a game like this where you're encouraged to strafehop and build up speed it feels awful having to stop to fight enemies at close range, especially since your melee range is pitiful and almost guarantees you'll get hit in the process of trying to melee most enemies. When you actually DO have full health you basically can't afford to be looking forward since you constantly have enemies right behind you that you need to shoot, so you end up running into terrain and taking damage, or you face forward and end up taking damage from an enemy you can't see.

If you manage to live long enough to get to a safe area you can upgrade your character and regain health but the portal to the safe area spawns at random. I had one run where two portals were right next to each other, and another run where I was running around for 5+ minutes with ZERO portal spawns. It seems the game's areas are procedurally generated, which I don't think added to the game at all since the variance is so little for each area.

The other areas were great visually and I liked the new creature designs I encountered, but since most of my runs ended after 5-10 minutes in the first area I lost desire to see the rest of the game.