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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 3, 2022

Platforms Played


Was gunning for 100% completion but it left Gamepass so I'll leave it as-is for now, only missing 2-3 endings I think.

Incredible aesthetic, 10/10 dynamic soundtrack and an interesting gameplay loop that feels fun to learn the intricacies for. The narrative does something I've never seen in a game before in that you're encouraged not to pay attention to it if you want to play optimally. Rather than dismiss this as a flaw, I see it as intentional choice, showing the complete lack of ethics and morals inherent to this free market. Sure, you COULD take the time to make sure the customers you're helping have good intentions, but then that makes you a bad businessman, and you won't make it very far into the game with that attitude, you need to be amoral to succeed in this game's world.

Getting mere glimpses of the harm you're causing as you frantically buy and sell body parts only to end the game ushering in a variety of apocalyptic events due to the unregulated market and your desire to chase a profit is a type of gameplay/narrative cohesion I've never seen before. Highly recommended.