Arguably one of my favourite memories out of gaming has been with The Sims 3. You see, when The Sims 2 was in its prime, I was a child. A child with concerns that were few and far between. A life that was simple and self-centered in maximizing my own enjoyment every single day. But as I got into The SIms 3, I was an adult. An adult who could no longer experience life as something I had full control over of. As an adult, I had to worry about my financial stability, maintaining my relationships with my social circles and depression. I'm sure that for many of us who have battled with our mental health, The Sims 3 probably was that game you sought out for comfort and serenity. There's so much content to even the base game, forget the expansions; Listen, if you really like the game, you'll buy the expansions. It's not a feeling of 'oh they're strong arming me into purchasing more content' as it is with the sequel. It's more so that, you feel that the game is already good enough as it is, and you can have some more, if you want. It's just such a beautiful game that looks at life and the limitless options of what roads a person can take. It doesn't restrict you from fulfilling your desires. The base game is a great entry point to the franchise if this is the type of game for your mental needs. I find myself always returning to The Sims 3, if I feel at a loss in life. After each time, while it's no magic trick, I can honestly say that I feel more at ease, in my own mind. A beautiful work of art, that to me, will probably never get old enough to where I can no longer enjoy it. I say this with all the love.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024
