A kinda weird Zelda game. I like the concept of being trapped in a time loop and certain events being blocked in a time frame, but it is a really obtuse game sometimes. A simple banker will remember me and retain my rupies but the stray fairies will disappear? Why?
Also, it is a bit counterproductive to do a full reset every three in-game days, because an innocent player will be discouraged from exploring and doing sidequests because of the pain of starting a quest and not being able to finish it in time.
The whole mask thing is original, but half of them are just getting a piece of heart with extra steps. The sidequests are good and I get why so many people say this Zelda game is fun to 100%, but you are just reading the wiki most of the time because otherwise you will be lost.
I really appreciate a Zelda game without the usual plot of saving the princess and it's crazy this game was developed in a single year (even if they reused the engine and objects from OoT), but I didn't really enjoy it as much as other big titles.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2023
