This game is Persona if it took away all of the depth and just left a hollow shell. Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars intrigued me. Atlus? I'm in. Turn based? Sweet! JRPG? Right up my alley. WOMEN?? Sure!

Then I hit start. I knew right from the beginning, without knowing prior reviews, that this was going to be a weird experience. The dialogue and plot was just a generic anime plot, and while I know its a handheld limited game, having no actual overworld hub, and instead just a menu, was disheartening.

The shojo over-the-top power ups were fun in a fanservice-y kinda way, but other than that the game just doesn't do much for me. I completed three of the eight labyrinths, and they are seriously just straight lines. The combat wasn't deep at all, often leading to me watching YouTube just mashing A through all the grindy sections. Every hallway was just that. A straight hall with twists, no turns, and nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe if I gave this game a better shot I'd enjoy it more, but with how the mechanics of conception itself and everything is, I don't see how more hours would change my mind.

I rate Conception II a 3/10.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2023
