Had some fun moments, but nothing exceptional that made it worth coming back to.

Very fun gameplay. Upgrades seemed pretty meaningless and story is meaningless. But it is fun to be a big marauding shark for a few hours.

Not for me. Nothing about the game had me itching to move forward, or return from day to day. Big caveat is that I did not have the ability to play co-op, which I have read enhances the game greatly. In the right mood, or with a friend, I may return to shoot around in a dungeon.

Really, really boring. The graphics, atmosphere, puzzle design, soundtrack etc...none makes the tedium worthwhile or interesting.

An attempt at being a jack of all trades title, but ultimately unsatisfactory. Beautiful map, colorful for a historical title.

Could not even play on PC. Mouse and Keyboard did nothing, Xbox One controller did nothing. I see that many people had similar issues when the game released. Glad I got the game for free and didn't waste any money on it.

Perfectly solid game, just not for me. I don't care for the card based movement and combat. The visuals were very good, and the writing that I saw was fine.

Received for free on Epic. Interesting visual style and atmosphere, intriguing characters and writing. But, this type of gameplay is not for me. Generally clunky, slow, tense, not my cup of tea

In a game that should be fluid in movement and combat, it is weighed down by clunky systems, abilities, attacks, etc. Makes it more of a drag than a good time.

Received for free on Epic. Nice game for listening to podcasts/music and want something to do with your hands. Relaxed.

Filled with good ideas and systems that are fun on their own. I like upgrading my base, raiding river encampments, hunting down a Templar network etc. But the combat and story are so tedious, and the scope of the game so vast, that these fun bits are baked into a long and unrewarding slog.