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Highly overrated. The biggest seller of the Jaguar's line and its 'killer app' which frankly tells you all you need to know about history's most shat upon console. A few decades later you can eek a few more pixels of enjoyment out of it via emulation, allowing you to upscale and increase the fps some.
It just goes to show though that if you strip away the license, all you're left with is a poor consolised Doom-clone. There's nothing to do beyond jerk around the identical-looking levels, searching for keys and shooting the occasional enemy. The main attraction then is the chance to play as the titular Alien or Predator, each with their own abilities and problems. This alone grants it the three star rating, as the cloaking and honour system for the Predator, and incubation respawning life mechanic for the Xenomorph are unique and peverse enough to give you some fairly decent replay value.

The franchise was done far better a few years down the line with Rebellion's second attempt on the PC and its exemplary sequel. So perhaps aim a little higher and play those instead.