Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is an action game first and a Souls-like second, and that is 100% to its benefit.

Mechanically, I have pretty much zero complaints about Wo Long. It has some weird oversights in terms of UI and Quality-of-Life features, but the moment-to-moment gameplay is exceptional, almost nailing the immaculate game feel that made Sekiro so great.

Additionally, Koei Tecmo continues to have the best template for a character creator in the industry, and seeing your character actually get to do cool choreography in cutscenes never gets old.

As far as the plot goes, it did very little for me. If you're more familiar with the Three Kingdoms stuff, I imagine there's probably some cool moments in here, but as someone who knows very little about it, I felt pretty neutral about the whole thing.

The main sticking point I've seen regarding the story is the dialogue (both as written and the English dub), of which I am two minds: If it's trying to emulate classic martial arts movies, it's doing an incredible job. If it's not, it's pretty rough.

All that to say, again, that the gameplay is absolutely stellar, and if you want a fast-paced, difficult (but not overly complex like Nioh could often be) action game, you can't go wrong with Wo Long.

The level design is some of Team Ninja's best to-date, the controls are extremely tight, the fights are difficult but completely readable, and at least one boss fight in this game is a GOAT contender.

One final note: I know some people have had difficulties in terms of performance, but across the 40+ hours I played on Series X, I only experienced 2 significant stutters and 1 crash, so make of that what you will.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2023
