Gloompuke: Pretty weird little world to explore, but no real narrative progression or gameplay- just walking around and talking to the various characters, whose dialogues are pretty clever.

Monastery: The highlight of Volume 2. Controls are janky, but it's genuinely spooky exploring this old monastery and trying to guess what weird fucked up experiments the monks were doing. I love all of KH's themes of parasites and bloodsuckers and bodily transformation. Having to cut open creepy crawlies and dig up corpses to find keys is fun, but you spend a lot of time looking for tiny little out of place things to click on that are really easy to miss.

Roads: A strangely beautiful higher res version of Pente from Volume 1. This time, there are strange dreamlike twisting and intertwining paths taking you from floating stanza to floating stanza, all twirling around these classic vaporwave fairytale castles. A meditative journey to reveal a poem, without any "endgame."

Scarlet Bough: This one actually wouldn't load for me unfortunately, but I've watched gameplay of it and it looks like its got a pretty great Silent Hill kind of atmosphere. Thematically resonant with Monastery.

Reviewed on May 07, 2022
