It's a well-known fact that anyone who ever talks about a Final Fantasy game either hasn't finished it or is just misremembering massive chunks of it from their childhood, so I am here to bravely and selflessly lay down the law to the haters and lovers of FF7.

First of all: It is okay to call Cloud a moody protagonist. No it is not something exclusive to Advent Children and no it is not untrue just because he says "Let's Mosey" 25 minutes before the credits roll.

This isn't a bad thing! I liked Cloud a lot and his story is one of the best parts about this game.

Second of all: Can we please stop saying this isn't a dour and self-serious narrative? It's possibly one of the bleakest settings in the series and the narrative tackles various internally and externally apocalyptic subjects. That's not a bad thing! I just don't think we have to pretend that having incidentally silly or stupid moments like a chase sequence with a giant cartoon furby in Gold Saucer, a snowboarding sequence right after a serious and heavy plot development and being able to race chocobos as the doomsday clock is ticking aren't just tonal issues with the game rather than some deliberate attempt to make the game feel silly and light-hearted.

The game's inconsistent tone is one of the bigger things I take issue with. Also anything involving the Huge Materia is very shoddy and probably shouldn't have been in the game.

Also this isn't really the game's fault but my face button inputs were fucked for bad reasons during my entire playthrough so I was stressed and confused during most minigames

The dog is the best character he's awesome

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024
