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This game is so strange like the best parts are the first 6 chapters made years ago but only because they were updated with better maps and weapon variety later, but then the later half has amazing bosses only to cap it off with the worst stupid punch out fight ever right after sunstar, the best fight in any game like this.
But i didnt even download this for the singleplayer that was a far-exceeding-great suprise more than anything. Well, the multiplayer servers are mostly dead except for a class-based alteration to the game that has 130+ classes none of which feel fun due to the whole thing running off of doom which makes the mere act of moving the camera upwards feel weird, much less running around at mach 10 as burnerman as you try to figure out what the actual over 130 classes do. Even the ones i did try for a long period of time didnt feel all that in depth on their own and it felt like playing shitty mega man overwatch.
But im not even talking about mm8bdm anymore am I? "Gondola patch" is a mod of another class based mod for this mega man fan game which is already a doom mod. What? How do you talk about this? Does a mod of a mod of a mod hold as much weight as a mod of a mod? Well apparently so because its the only multiplayer part of this multiplayer game you have a chance of seeing people play right now. This shit makes my head spin i just want to actually play the multiplayer after the singleplayer felt so good, too bad ffa deathmatch is a dead genre even in the games that should hold it up

Unironically better than any other pokemon game official or otherwise. Thats what happens when the super fans who know the games better than the people making them actually get to make the game.
On top of that almost all the designs being from rando anons across /vp/ just tickles me, thats adorable and despite not being a 4chan freak anymore its still the only time ill try to curb my gag reflex to call it 'soulful.' Oh yeah, right. 4chan
Its irreverent and offensive in the most 4chan way possible, pure apathy for the emotions of others for the lels to top all else, like having the de-facto HM 'slave' be, well ill give you three guesses. Not actively evil but i can understand how that 14 year old style humor can be a massive turn off for people who didnt unfortunately grow up in that space. Tho personally i can stomach the gross reminders for what still feels loving to the community who let it happen at its core with most of the references to the culture not being offensive and just being cool to see in an environment like this. The design of Foryu still gets me and tentaquil just being there makes me smile. Fucking notridley are you kidding.
Again, even if you arent a weirdo you can still find enjoyment out of this if you just want a hard pokemon game that makes you think and is still fair. You even get a chance after the elite 4 going into the orange islands equivalent to massively switch up your team comp so you can really see how much this game has to offer in terms of battling, which gamefreak has fallen short on for the past who even knows how long at this point.