Dude, I love this game so much. This and the fourth entry... I cant choose a favorite, Its like asking you to choose between mom and dad. In general, this game is a blast, at first glance you may think that its just a silly zombie game with cluncly controls but no... Its more than that, and if you have issues with the controls, they added in the re-release HD some life quality changes like the visuals, changing clothes without the dressing room and most important, new controls for the character, where you get rid of the tank controls.
Now, in the game itself, I wont be talking bout the story to avoid spoilers, but hey, it has the essence of a B film, thats cool. The gameplay, the combat, the maps, the puzzles, everything fits so well in this game. For me is the peak of survival horror, If you are someone who likes to repeat and master patterns in less and less time to become an expert, the word "fun" will be a constant throughout your playthroughs with the variety of difficulties and modes that the game has. Also, if youre a fan of challenges, youll love this. There are a ton of achievements, great part of them can be obteined by just playing normally, but the last, damn dude, beat the game without saving, only knife, in less than three hours... very hard tbh. In conclusion, this is a MUST for all of the Survival Horror fans and well, videogames in general, get your first aid spray, a couple of bullets and experience terror in Resident Evil Remake :D