Kingdom hearts HD 1.5+2.5+3.5 remix

Every kingdom hearts game will be ranked and in this list. I swear. Yes I have played every single stinking one. Except the union cross games. But apart from that EVERY SINGLE ONE. EVEN DARK ROAD. EVEN MISSING LINK. EVEN RE FUCKING CODED.
May your heart be your guiding key.

The original is truly a timeless classic.
None of the other games capture what kh1 does, and it will always have a place in my heart because of it. But even though nothing else matches kh1 in terms of atmosphere and tone, one is able to transcend it in spite of that.
Very polarising in terms of gameplay, it took a replay for me to really appreciate it.
The story though? Phenomenal. Definitely the darkest kingdom hearts game, with Sora losing friendships, his memories being completely rewritten, and straight up murder. Really good and a great lead in to kh2, I freaked out when twilight town appeared.


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