If you like South Park then you'll enjoy this game, If not then it's not going to do anything for you. Obsidian really nailed the look and feel of the show, It plays like a long episode with turn based combat.

It's not particularly long for an RPG (I finished in a little under 10 hours with most of the side quests done). Once you've learnt the best combat to use in different situations then it isn't at all challenging either, the only real difficulty is when it isn't clear where a path is or what to interact with to proceed (I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to deactivate a mouse trap before realising I could walk around it)

It doesn't play poorly by any means, but the enjoyment comes from the humour and interactions with the town of South Park and it's colourful characters. Worth it for fans.

Edit: Also worth noting the European version is pretty heavily censored in a few places (The game let's you know where and what you're missing), So if that's going to bother you a lot it might be worth picking it up a US copy.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2021
