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(Only reviewing singleplayer, spoilers ahead) Second time through, I had fun memories of the particular campaign. It was a blast. The ship combat is fluid and fast paced, and I love how hard the guns hit. Although it is easy to get lost and lose track of the enemy at times.

The gunplay and zero-g combat is fun enough, but it's really the environments and set pieces that really make the game shine. It still looks amazing now. When they give you the freedom to do side missions, that's when the game gets into a fantastic sci-fi action flow. Too bad it only lasts a few hours at best.

Everything about this game is fun sci-fi action until the last string of missions. That's when the hamfisted message of sacrifice is thrown to the center of the story as we watch all the characters we've come to know die. Hell, even the end credits have eulogies from the dead characters themselves. The credits list is also a list of your dead soldiers...

I'm not saying sacrifice is bad, but the way they just shove it in your face so blatantly without any grace really brings the game down a notch. It goes from a really fun sci-fi adventure, to a depressing, typical military assault in the last string of missions. It feels like two different games entirely.

Overall, fun action, set pieces, and sci-fi goodness. Don't expect anything out of the story. The last act especially sucks the fun out of the game.