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The stealth and gameplay from the first one are stil here, along with some badass iconic blades Riddick uses.

Too bad the game kinda falls apart in the last leg. It goes from a decent stealth game to near constant action. There's a point where you aren't on a claustrophobic, dark and moody ship anymore. You're just on a bright, boring planet with little stealth options.

That's when the game starts forcing you into more combat oriented scenarios. Combat is one of the weaker aspects of the game. You die fast and the enemies are extremely aggressive. They also give you this really shitty gun in the end.

It has unlimited ammo and uses the game engines physics to it's full potential. Sounds like the physics gun from Half Life 2, but it sadly isn't. It desperately wants to be, but the gun they give you is AWFUL. Takes forever to fire between shots and doesn't even work properly most of the time.

They also want you to use this weapon as much as possible due to the overabundance of combat encounters in the last part.

Don't get me started on the boss fights as well. The fights rely on the really shoddy melee combat system. It's smooth and animated well, but the enemies just block and counter every attack you throw at them. I had to cheese all the fights that required the melee system because it was just so horrible.

I would say overall Butcher Bay was the better game. Dark Athena fell apart at the end and limped to the finish line after a solid stealth action game.