I've not really played a game like this before. Its definitively modern Square-Enix, absolutely in the same vein as XVI but with major differences in places.
I has some of the best combat in a 3D action game I think i've ever played, it has some of the most beautiful vistas, explorable towns, and most hangoutable locations in any game I've played, but inbetween the many MANY moments of fun/peace/drama that i enjoyed were an equal number of moments of tedium /or frustration.
I love this game, I hate this game. They nailed it again, and they botched it completely.
One true criticism i have is that the game isn't afraid to waste your time. Particularly towards the end. Adding pointless maguffins and mechanics to already long dungeons felt like padding.
I finished the game swearing i would trade it in and never play it again, and I woke up the next day wondering if i should pop back in to hang out a little.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
