This isn't the best platformer I've played, but it easily has the best platforming in any game. The game is just filled with creativity all the way through until the end. Other precision platformers like Super Meat Boy just feel uninspired in comparison. This game is just pure precision-platforming so if you don't like 2D sidescrollers then maybe hold off buying it.

The movement in this game looks quite bare bones on the outside, however it's how Madeline interacts with the objects around her that gives this game it's amazing platforming. Every level has several gimmicks that are introduced individually before being put together for a final challenge. The level design is near perfect for this reason.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a puzzle/precision platformer. The puzzle aspect of this is actually very predominant in this game. The challenge doesn't always lie in 'can' you clear this jump, but more 'how' you clear this jump. I've been stumped many times by these incredible creative puzzles they've created.

Content wise this game is pretty fantastic also. You can beat the main game in 5 hours if you want, however the platforming is so much fun that you just crave for more. Optional strawberries are hidden in every level and they don't feel tacked on like many collectables. They all feel like they were carefully placed in each level. Next you have the B-side levels. These expand on the levels gimmicks in new and exiting ways. They are also brutally difficult so they aren't for the faint of hearted. C-sides also exist which are much harder but much shorter. It's sort of like a final test in your skills.

Talking of post game content, B and C sides aren't the only way to get more platforming. There are post game levels as well. They are also incredibly creative in their level design and gimmicks, however I think the final level takes the challenge a bit too far. I got a total of 1500 deaths just on this chapter alone and the final segment of the level is 2 minutes long without any checkpoints. There is also a hidden berry right at the end of this chapter that you'll only know about through Youtube videos so I had to restart that entire section.

Another personal gripe I have is how Madeline dies when half her body is under the screen. Many platformers wait until the entire character is below the screen before killing them so it took a bit of getting used to in this game. I'd like to additionally address Golden strawberries as they exist for masochistics who want to beat an entire level without dying once. However they don't count for achievements so they can suck my ass.

A couple of other gripes include the artstyle and water mechanics. Water is a mechanic that is underused and it really didn't need to be in the game. Also, sometimes it's hard to distinguish the forground to the background and I would often not see a platform or die to a hidden spike.

If this all sounds too difficult for you, don't be too hesitant on buying this. There is an assist mode that is way more intuitive than most easy modes. It's incredibly versatile and you can customise it to fit your playstyle. There aren't any drawbacks to using it either! (aside from your ego)

One more thing to note is the story. It takes itself very seriously despite the characters sounding very silly. The story goes very deep into coping with depression and overcoming loss and I think it handles it really well. The story is never the main focus but what is there is very mature and engaging.

I nearly posted this review without talking about the music. Holy crap does this game have a good soundtrack. All levels have unique themes and the theme will often change depending on your point in the level. Every B-side has a remixed soundtrack to it and these can even be better than the original theme itself! Aesthetically this game is pretty solid as well. Nothing breathtaking but it can look quite stunning in some sections.

After dying 5000 times and getting all steam achievements in this game, I would highly recommend playing this game. I would probably advise against going for 100% unless you really love a hard challenge.


Reviewed on Oct 11, 2021
