Doom Eternal is definitely my game of the year. It is a straight upgrade from Doom 2016 which is exactly what a sequel should be. There are a few minor flaws however i was kept hooked until the credits rolled. I haven't played the online so there is no mention of it here.

- The graphics are gorgeous and the game is optimised really well!
- This game is so fast paced compared to it's predecessor. Playing this on keyboard and mouse is a real treat.
- The music really compliments the gameplay. The menu music slaps!
- I'm a bit of a sucker for platformers so seeing that this game had some parkour pleasantly surprised me
- The new glory kill animations add so much variety and they make the old Doom look like a tech demo in comparison
- Grappling with the meat hook is just so satisfying when you get good with it
- Unlike the first game, Eternal has a hubworld and I was not expecting it to have so much depth
- This game attempts to bring in even more story and lore which will please some
- The dull and repetitive mars aesthetic from 2016 is gone and every Eternal level is distinct from the last
- In depth customisable menu screens!
- The special equipment actually adds strategy into fights with armour and ammo management
- You don't die from accidentally falling of an edge anymore!
- The lives system works allows you to seamlessly dive back into battle
- Huge amount of replayability due to constant updates, 2 DLCs and heaps of collectables

There is a lot that i could talk about in terms of positives however I do want to highlight some negatives I found with the game as well.

- Most of the new enemies rock but two notable ones have questionable design choices. One is a flying damage sponge and the other relies on brief attack windows which I don't like.
- The bosses are a massive step down from 2016's. I actually found them all to be really uninspired or repetitive.
- There is a lack of new weapons which felt a little odd to me
- A lot of weapon mods were reused for this game which felt a little bit lazy
- ID Software straight up lied about the game's length. I beat it in 10 hours on a medium paced playthrough. They said it was twice the length of 2016's (20 hours)

I bought this game on sale which is what I would reccomend for anyone who wants this game. It is absolutely worth the £50 however it often goes on sale and I got it for £24 with DLC included. Don't sleep on this game as it's one of if not the best first person shooter out there


Reviewed on Oct 12, 2021
