This was way better than I was expecting. It's clear that 'Worst 3D Zelda' doesn't mean 'bad 3D Zelda'.

- Dungeon design is actually so much better than other Zelda's imo.
- The combat might actually be my favourite in the series
- Super well made boss fights!
- Music is pretty good overall. The Loftwing theme slaps.
- Story was actually pretty good. Every person in Skyloft had character (unlike something like BOTW)
- All of the quality of life improvements are actually a godsend

- Artstyle grew on me, but it's still somehow inferior to Windwaker and Twilight Princess
- Controls are finicky, whichever control scheme you choose
- The reused the worst bossfight 3 times for some reason
- The sky was slightly disappointing. It could've been more like Windwaker's sea if it were fully realized.
- There are too many fetch quests later on in the game
- Stamina when climbing and running are slightly pointless
- The game still holds your hand too much, although I'm grateful that it's less than in the original
- Link has like 3 different states of existence. Gasping, wide open mouth, or deadass look.
- No camera usage when sprinting for literally no reason
- HD rumble isn't used unfortunately

Having played more of the pre BOTW Zelda's, I understand why so many people were disappointed with it. BOTW lacks so much of what made this game special.


Reviewed on Aug 12, 2022
