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Short review of Ace Attorney because why not:

It was a breath of fresh air for one thing, after having Fire Emblem as pretty much the only story driven game I was playing for a while, It was so nice to see a story that was structured so differently. I found myself getting super engaged in both the characters and the narrative which is all I truly ask from a story.

That being said, I do think there is something to be said about the turnabout way it structures most of the cases, as from Steal Samurai on they basically create a situation where there's no way the defendant didn't do it but they managed to explain their way around it to the point where in the final case they literally have the defendant confess to the crime and you still have to convince the court they didn't.

On one hand it creates a fun slow burn victory from bottom to top as you uncover what really happened, but on the other, it honestly sometimes felt like the writers were making it up along the way. Sure there were some stuff like the two shots being fired on the lake and the cut on Lana's hand, but other than that it definitely felt like they were working backwards from the initial premise of "What if this innocent person had everything against them!"

But the writing is funny, so who cares.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2023
