I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to review these and I may forego it entirely. I can say that it is enjoyable but not my favourite of the GameCube ones. It takes quite a bit to make these games truly distinct from one another outside of just having different boards and minigames that are also unique from what came before, especially as more and more Mario Party games came into existence. It wasn't until peripherals came into play like the GameCube microphone for 7 and motion controls for 8 and also board mechanic overhauls in the much later ones that things started to feel distinctly different. As an example of how samey these start to feel, I often forget which one is 4 and which one is 5. They are really interchangeable in my mind. Take of that what you will in regards to both 4 and 5 in how I would rate them, 'cos even I'm not sure how to feel.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
