It is indeed an excellent introduction for those who are unfamiliar with the franchise, as well as a great treat for long-time fans. The game raises the already established standards of the Tales series.

The story, as usual, will follow the most anime formula possible, in its first half showing the journey of a hero who needs to free the world, but it will shape itself into a much grander plot. Don't get me wrong, the initial part of the plot is really useful, especially in terms of exploring the kingdoms, however the second half disappoints by becoming excessively accelerated, where the lack of previous explanations combines into a final stretch that is more confusing than enlightening. .

Even with my appreciation for everything that Tales of Arise sets out to accomplish, it is undeniable that the game is not without flaws, quite the contrary, there are problems easily observed within the long hours offered to the player. Notable issues, such as the lack of a certain polish in some special animations, small bugs spread throughout the maps/combats, recycled enemies (to give you an idea, there are 25 base monsters that are repeated throughout the game, but with different skins, totaling more than 100 identical types, what changes are the colors), in addition to several empty areas that limit the interactivity of the world. Despite the flaws, many of these factors were particularly highlighted by me due to the excellent presentation of other aspects of the game, such as its extremely fun gameplay, its addictive combat system and its memorable Boss Fights, which add that epic layer full of positive exaggerations.

As for gameplay, which is its strongest point, the game innovates and improves on previous traditional battle systems, getting the customization of combos right. Combat is fluid, dynamic and strategic, avoiding any feeling of monotony due to the diversity of skills presented, in which each protagonist has a specific style to enjoy.

The characters enjoy an engaging development through the sketches, where the player can get to know each one better, although not deeply enough to become attached to their stories, they are standard but likeable characters. The striking soundtrack complements the atmosphere well (the openings are also sensational) and the beautiful graphics along with the art direction contribute to the overall immersion. It is undoubtedly a worthy title to celebrate 25 years of the "Tales of" series, being a rich addition to the JRPG genre.

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2023
