Final Fantasy VIII, oh, the memories. A game that whisked me away to a world of magic, love, and mind-bending twists, leaving an indelible mark on my young, impressionable mind. It was the first Final Fantasy I ever played.

The cast was equally memorable. Rinoa's fiery spirit and unwavering loyalty balanced Squall's quiet strength. The enigmatic Quistis Trepe, the caring Laguna Loire, and the mischievous Zell Dincht, Irvine Kinneas, Selphie Tilmitt, hell, even the nemesis Seifer Almasy and his two goons, the blunt Raijin and the mysterious Fujin, each brought their unique quirks and complexities to the table. Together, they formed an unlikely family, bound by their shared experiences and the pursuit of a common goal.

The game's visuals, though dated by today's standards, still hold a special place in my heart. The vibrant backgrounds, the dynamic character designs, and the cinematic cutscenes were a treat for the eyes at the time.

The Junction system, while initially confusing, added a layer of complexity and strategy to the combat, but most importantly did something many thought worsened the experience but actually improved mine: it actually got rid of the need to farm for hours against boring monsters like in previous FFs! You could complete the game at level one thanks to both the junction system, making you stronger without the need to level up, and the fact that enemies' levels scaled with yours.

The music, oh, the music! Nobuo Uematsu's score is a symphony of emotions, perfectly capturing the game's highs and lows.

Final Fantasy VIII holds a special place in my heart, a reminder of my childhood and the power of storytelling. It's a game that has stood the test of time, its characters and themes resonating with players even today. If you're looking for an immersive, emotional journey, Final Fantasy VIII is a must-play. Just don't forget your tissues.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
