Jusant is a pretty big surprise for me. I am not a fan of Dontnod but I love games with narrative beats and approach to style like Journey, Inside, Abzu.
Make or break for a game about climbing is climbing, and I am happy to report it is really fun all the way through the end. Even the basic "R2 for right hand, L2 for left hand" would be cool enough for 3-4h duration of Jusant, but each new chapter introduces new mechanics, new harder to travers through terrain. Each biom has unique style to it and story of people who used to live on the mountain is fun to follow.
Game is also very responsive to control and music is used in an amazing way to make all those grand moments more special.
There is some jank to core gameplay and I had 2 instances of not knowing where to go for a brief minute because some of the texture work can be too low so you think surface is not climbable.
Really good game.

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2023
