FF7 remake is a game with incredibly high highs and annoyingly unavoidable lows. There is a lot that I love about this game: the story, characters, music, combat, graphics, art style, and set pieces are all something to write home about, but there are also small yet mind-numbing problems that take away from the experience at times. The story is incredible for the most part until it randomly takes a break and hits you with literal filler chapters that do nothing to progress the plot (train graveyard). It is not only this unnecessary fluff that slightly hinders my experience but also the lack of good side missions. Are there good side missions in this game? Absolutely! I love practically all of the side missions in the Don Corneo section of the game, but despise the side missions prevalent in other areas of the world. The Sector 5 & 7 slums have many of the same copy-paste missions, which disappoints me, knowing Square could’ve done way better. Overall, I love this game and my experience with it, and I cannot wait to play Rebirth!

Final Score: 9/10

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2024
