Layton games ranked (By absurdity of the plots)

Spoilers for the entire series

NOTE: Professor Layton Royale, a real game that once existed, is unfortunately not on IGDB

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future

man spends all the time and resources in the world constructing the worlds most accurate soundstage underground to kill one guy and fuck with a couple others, does not succeed. couldve just bought a gun


Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
man commissions dozens of incredibly complex seemingly free thinking robots to care for his daughter who doesnt seem to much like the robots in the first place, motives unclear

i love how this game explains that all the people in st mystere are obsessed with puzzles because theyre robots with no free will but then just decides everyone in this world is obsessed with puzzles


Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
broke: the entire plot was a dream

woke: the entire plot was a collective hallucination


Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
by this point in the franchise the azran as an idea are par for the course i feel. iunno what the fuck was goin on with targent tho, if they were real the government definitely wouldve bombed the shit out of em

also descole and his resolution blow ass lol


Layton 7
Layton 7
frankly absurd that layton among us DIDNT come out


Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
the real absurd part of this game is nobody figuring out immediately that the masked gentleman was randall

imagine finding out your best friend who you thought died 18 years ago was secretly still alive and just apparently cutting him out of your life entirely post then. layton was not a real one for that


Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
british government(?) gaslights small child, a thing i believe they would do


Professor Layton and the Last Specter
Professor Layton and the Last Specter
incredibly normal by layton standards, as the only weird things in it are a big whale creature and the apparent garden of eden existing


Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
layton FUCKS


Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire's Conspiracy
Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire's Conspiracy
Fairly normal pseudo-pulp, assuming you ignore the talking dog



11 months ago

i've known people who will say that plvspw's plot twists at the end were too silly and out there and then go on to defend unwound future's ending twists as less insane.

also major props for diabolical box for being the only mystery game ever i think to explain pretty much every question with noxious gas. layton twists may sometimes not make sense but they absolutely are the untouched king of not making sense. no ones doing it like them

Also also i didnt know layton 7 existed until now and i NEED to play it

11 months ago

When Unwound Future brought out the giant mech that stomps through London, that’s when I knew this series was truly something special.

11 months ago

@Ninjabunny love how much the single piece of Layton 7 art looks like lost Earthbound 64 art

11 months ago

those designs go hard. although the layton series has my favorite character designs of maybe anything ever so im a little biased about that maybe. that guys chin being like 65% of his face is great though

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