Log Status






Time Played

11h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 25, 2023

First played

March 17, 2023

Platforms Played


There is a good game there somewhere, but it's buried under a pile of bad decisions and subpar execution.

Fatal Frame 4 is deathly scared of making the player uncomfortable or challenged - the exploration is almost entirely linear, the game constantly takes control away from the player to show the next scare or direction of the main objective, thus greatly hampering tension and otherwise great atmosphere. Combat is incredibly easy and repetitive, which destroys any sense of menace a horror game needs. Controls is also very uncomfortable, and it seems to be a fault of this remade version.

The only clear strength is good environmental storytelling and visual style. Game's atmosphere is very thick and moody thanks to that. Story has some interesting bits. You get to trace the steps of various characters though now dilapidated environment and slowly unravel their secrets and get to know backstories of many ghosts you encounter. It is somewhat compelling, but overall the story is rather banal and lacks any mystery or emotions at it's core.