Funnily enough, this wasn’t the only game I randomly stumbled upon in 2023 that would become one of my favorite games of all time (Shoutout Rabi Ribi).

I have had a ridiculously hard time trying to write a review for Astlibra because whenever I try to bring up the things I like about it my mind starts getting flooded with terms such as “raw” and “kino” and “sovl”. It’s like this game is inducing my brain with data corruption. But really, when a game has an anime opening that it plays at the start of nearly every chapter, how else am I supposed to react?

It’s a bit difficult to elaborate on why I adore this experience without writing an essay or spoiling the game, but let’s just say that by the end of this 70+ hour journey, no stone will be left unturned, both in terms of gameplay and story. A constant drip feed of satisfaction from beginning to end. This is the type of experience where you take a deep breath as the credits roll and think to yourself “Goddamn, I fucking love video games” and I think that’s beautiful.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2024
