at least one of, if not THE best roguelite i've ever played
improves upon the first game in pretty much every game, especially the story I feel more invested in than the previous (probably because of the fact that it builds upon the previous games story)
theres just already so much MORE stuff to do in this game than the first, and its still only in early early access
thats also my only real nitpick, and it's very much a personal thing, I sometimes feel like theres too much stuff to keep track of, and it starts to feel a little grindy once you get a little far into it, much like the first one
they've done things to help this, with the forget-me-not system and being able to sell stuff to get more currency, in turn making it easier to get the actual upgrade materials you need, but it still just doesn't feel quite right
still, this is something they could probably fix later since it's still just early access, just make stuff a tiny bit easier to upgrade in general tbh

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
