The most amazingly beautiful game I've ever played, really showcases the capabilities of the ps5 in the best way possible. I enjoyed every second of my whole playthrough, not one boring or frustrating moment, the difficulty and pacing was just about perfect. The only negative thing about this game, as I have seen just about everyone else say is the enemy variety, which does suck a little as there is only about 5 enemies you fight over and over again (or at least it feels that way), but in my opinion it isn't a huge thing and definitely doesn't detract from my experience much. One other small little nitpick is that the worlds don't feel quite as lived in or atmospheric as the worlds in the original trilogy did, but that might just be nostalgia speaking. Overall it's just about one of the best games I've ever played, visually stunning, fun gameplay, engaging story, fun and well-written dialogue and a great cast of characters. If you have a PS5 there is literally no reason not to play this, and I can recommend this to literally everyone.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
