Super Mario Land DX is the color remake of Super Mario Land which in general improves the quality of the sprites of Mario, leaving him more defined and accurate to his regular look, along with adding more color and accuracy to both the environments, enemies, Tatanga, and Daisy by giving them unique and specific color palettes.

I think Sarasaland looks amazing with the new color pallette as it makes it easier to distinguish what is and isn't in the background and foreground. Another thing is it adds more flavor to an already great game. I think genuinely the color remake is the definitive way to play SUPER MARIO LAND as it improves and adds alot to an already amazing Mario game, and makes it looks even nicer with this new coding of relaxing paint.
I'm not going to give Super Mario Land DX 5 stars because while I do love Super Mario Land (both the original and DX Versions) and while I do love the unique things it does in terms of having unique power ups, locations, and even level design, the experience is still short, which is fine because it's a Gameboy Game, but I'll be honest and give it 4 stars since it's fantastic. I gave the original GB colorless version 3.5 stars, but with this fresh new coat of paint, SUPER MARIO LAND DX is the definitive way to play SUPER MARIO LAND.

Highly recommend you all play this great mini-mario adventure along with it's sequel SUPER MARIO LAND 2: 6 Golden Coins (either original or DX)

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2023
