This game is a hidden gem that has fast paced FPS gameplay mixed with first person Parkcore, mixed with a Megaman Blaster or Samus Arm Canon.

The game is a very face paced with most objectives being from getting from point A to B in a level, occassionally destroying some machine or enemies, and using parkour and 360 flip with slow motion shooting with face pace action.

The game feels like a mix of Mirrors Edge with fast pace fps action like DOOM (Not saying this is 1 to 1 like DOOM 2016 or Eternal just the face combat of it).

The games story is vague... almost like it was an after thought, which is fine considering the people who made this probably were focused more on giving a unique fun fps combat game. Though if you're intrigued by the story, you could assume certain things about what the general meaning of it is.

After a while it does get a bit reptitive up until say the final fight, but in general the game is super fun, and the perfect length, even if perferably I would've liked more variety in it's enviroment.

The games a perfect short experience, and I wouldn't mind seeing this type of combat/fps style with 360 Flips in slow motion intergrated in other games. IT'S SUPER AWESOME doing a flip and being able to shut someone upside down, absolutely magnificent.

This game is great, regardless if you buy it on Steam or PS4/PS5, highly recommend it, especially for such a reasonable price.

Thanks for reading.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
