Amazing Story and expansive evolution for the Yakuza franchise, it's a remake of the second game. Opens up Kamurocho more than ever. Combat has been completed changed, however still fun. Great characters in Ryuji Goda, Kaoru Sayama, Kiryu, etc. Only thing was while it gives a great send off for a particular character in from Yakuza 0 in Majima's "episode." Majima's episode seems to last only 3 chapters compared to Kiryu's (then again it is just a remake of Yakuza 2 so they mostly added the Majima chapters to tie up loose ends and show how different it is to the original). Great story, great characters, an expansive new kamurocho, only thing is the regular battle music is really bad, like REALLY BAD, any other boss music, or background music is better than the random encounter music. Great Yakuza game.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2022
