An amazing Alien horror game that has the perfect enemy that is frightening and can appear randomly at any moment. Having to hide in lockers and holding breath is a tense because the Xenomorph or Working Joes can appear at anytime. However with different gadgets you are able to not only stun/scare away the Xenomorph, you can use it to your advantage to take out human enemies. Alien has a completely randomized ai, making it terrifying to run from and if it gets you, and you think what happened before won't happen again... you're right... because the alien won't do the same thing it did before, which is more terrifying. Major Con of this game is the amount of backtracking and the working Joes and how much of them appear throughout the game, and can get you killed either by them killing you, or the alien killing you, as the alien does not attack the working joes. But a great Horror experience none the less, 100% recommend

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2022
