A great fun experience, as seen back in 2013. This game was a treat to play, after watching it 9 years ago watching it on Markiplier's YouTube channel. So getting to play it myself was joy. I will say that if you have watched a YouTube play this game, your memory will start reminding you of everything beat by beat, however that nostalgic feeling isn't off putting because it's been a long time since we've seen or played this game.

The joy comes obviously from the whitty and hilarious dialogue from the narrator, as well as the overall presentation with the game doing things a bit different compared to the original. I will say that replaying might have started to make me feel both happy and sad, like I said I watched Markiplier play this game, so i knew things beat by beat, so me playing this myself i started feeling emotional because I was 12 when I watched this game and now I'm 20 (turning 21 in August 2022).

Seeing this game again was an absolute joy however I will say that after the emotional spell you'll realize slowly that you start to know the things beat by beat and makes the game feel like nothing has changed, however good news the NEW CONTENT is a joy to play through.

At first the new Content can feel like "wait that's it" even after the "wait that's it moment" by the narrator. Later we go down a rabbit hole, so much so there are a lot of amazing gags and jokes made by the developers over the game and how new content usually is half-assed by other developers, but here it adds something new to the game. There's an item given to you that allows you to replay through the game and seeing new hilarious endings, in addition there are 3 new endings added into the original game without the use of this item, however this item can also be used to see these endings.

Overall i have to say the stanley parable ultra deluxe is a very fun and enjoyable experience that... and I will be honest, is best played in one sitting, getting everything possibly can, all achievements (except the commitment achievement)
dialogue responses, and endings

Though after you have done all of that, I think like the developers put in one of the achievements: Super Go Outside (don't play Stanley Parable for 10 years) I think that's the perfect time to allow the game to settle back in to allow you to later replay it, 10 years.

I can't give it more than 4 out of 5 because the first half is basically the original game, however when the new Content is unlocked is when it becomes a joy to play. Overall this was an enjoyable, nostalgic time for me, I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it in a while, or have never played it and were unsure.
Thanks for reading

Reviewed on May 16, 2022
