This game has a great soundtrack, is really cool with its 2D side scroller hack and slash gameplay, as well as tycoon tower defense gameplay. Only thing is that this game suffers from the problem that after you complete the 2nd or 3rd land, you start to feel like the game is going to get really repetitive. And it really does. It doesn't help that this game also fakes you out after you complete the 6 lands, because there's actually a 7th one. Also within the land you can collect a total of 6 scrolls from 2 levels in each land. For a total of 36 in the main 6 lands, however there is a 7th land with an extra level that has 6 scrolls, for a total of 42 scrolls. The bosses are fun, but also they're very easy to easy to kill honestly regardless of whatever difficulty you're playing on. Also also the last or I guess fake last level just throws in a stupid boss rush gauntlet where you essentially have to fight all the bosses from the previous worlds in one before you fight the main final boss, who has 2 phases. After you complete the 6th world, and then get told you have to do a 7th one, you honestly just want to quit at that time, but I pushed through and I really enjoyed myself with it, but I can't really give it more than a 3 stars because of its repetitive nature. Obviously this is a game that was remade from a super fami com game, so it has those older 80s-90s gameplay style as well as story. But honestly it's not bad, it's good for it what it is. Also it has a great soundtrack, apart from that I'd say get it but I wouldn't say " YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS" because it's a good remake but It's repetitive

Reviewed on May 19, 2022
