Before Kingdom Hearts fans get butt hurt and say "these games need these ridiculous spinoffs, you don't know what you're talking about you have played all the games" i have played most of the games, the only ones I haven't were X union, 358/2 days, and Recoded. For the most part the only one I'm actively going to play is 358/2 days because the story so far did an awful job of making the game/ "movie" interesting for how damn long it is. And Recoded is stupid as shit that even future games barely acknowledge it. So much so this game acknowledges it only calling it "the data world" and that's it.

This game i can honestly say is one of the worst entries in this franchise. I have played re:chain of memories (ps4) and i find this to be more torturous than that.

Also can i just say, i like the kingdom hearts music, it fits its atmosphere for the games...but they're not songs i would listen to outside of the games. None of these songs are good for a rhythm game in terms of enjoyability to listen to.
Also the only memorable thing from this is the ending. Look you can Obsessively love Kingdom Hearts and enjoy everything single thing they put out. But don't surprised if the stop trying for future spinoffs. Cause omg the fact they somehow got away with charging $60 for this shit is insulting.

Idc how much you love kingdom hearts, this sound track is not comparable to games like Yakuza 1-7, Metal Gear Rising, final fantasy, Transformers Devastations, and Persona ( "OMG HE MENTION PERSONA, OF COURSE WOULD BLAH BLAH BLAH")

Look if you played the Persona dancing games, and regardless if you think it was just a video of the characters dancing, while you pressed buttons flashing on the screen, I understand that. Though to be honest you can kind parallel it sort of to the Hatsune Miku Project Diva games as they do the same thing. Now here's the thing, Persona 3, 4, and 5 dancing and Project Diva have great soundtracks with remixed tracks that are ENJOYABLE TO LISTEN TO. Yeah sure some of them are bad like infamous Dede Mouse Remix in Persona 4 Dancing. But for the most part the tracks are great, so much so it makes you want to most likely listen to the music away from the game.

The only tracks I personally would do that with in Kingdom hearts is the remixes of Dearly Beloved, Simple and Clean, Ventus's theme, Sanctuary, etc. I forget if there's even a remixed track in this game, like it would've been so cool to hear remixes of original tracks that arent disney and before some smart-ass says

"Umm ThE KingDom HeaRts SouNdTracKs aRE AMaZing, I BOp to It EVERyday " 🤓

no you don't.

Look alright... look i can get passed the reuse of asset, because it saves time for Square Enix to work on FF7 Remake Part 2 and Kingdom Hearts 4, cool.
I can passed that they didn't make remixed tracks...

What I can't passed is how f***ing repetitive this game, look you want to listen to the soundtrack cool, but there's not a lot here. It's literally just the same thing over and over. Literally it's just the characters running in a music grid around in circle with assets of maps from previous games in the background, as well as enemies from said levels as the notes. You do that about 77 levels, and that's it. Literally nothing else.
"What were you expecting, a open world game,"

i was expecting to be entertained with good music, I was bored out of my mind and ended up listen to my own music.

I played the kingdom hearts games from beginning to end, so before someone says " you probably didn't even play the others games" I did
This is the worst entry.

Oh and also that brings up the fact this game has the gall to be a summary of the previous game for people who don't want to go back and play those games, or dont care enough to.
The only value you'll get from this game is the ending. So if you don't want to be bored, just go watch the ending on YouTube.

Anyway yeah, tldr:
this game was boring as shit with music I wanted to mute because while the music for KH is enjoyable, doesn't make good for a rhythm game. With repetitive asf gameplay, with a story that amounts to reading a wiki summary of each previous entry. I hate this game, if you like it cool, I found it to be tortuous and the worst entry in Kingdom Hearts

Reviewed on May 21, 2022
