Torna The Golden Country was a treat to enjoy it's tragic story. I enjoyed every aspect of the story and the combat aspects as well. The problem with this prequel expansion/spinoff game is that it relies heavily on grinding and padded outside quests, especially before the final battle, where the game requires you to get to community level 4, which while I was able to do and have the Patience for, others might quit and watch the ending on YouTube. The game has very likeable characters with Lora being super adorable and cute, haze being a cute mage/ sister sort of to Lora, Jin being the cool samurai type (with a lot of sexual tension with Lora), Addam being a precursor to Rex, Hugo being the wise and thoughtful king, and Mythra/Hikari being a rude, yet likeable (and tragic blade). I found some of the other blades to be sort of dull due to the fact we don't really see too much emotion from them. However I will say the part with the photograph after all is said and done will break your heart.

This story is a beautiful tragedy and prequel to Xenoblade 2 (which I have not played yet because I wanted to play Torna before going into the main game).
The story absolutely worth experiencing. And the final boss is an amazing (yet long dragged out fight), which suffers from the issue of having to grind, and padding out the game with the community level.

Loved the experience, can't wait to move on to the main experience/story 500 years later in Xenoblade 2

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2022
