Dusk Diver is a visually stunning yet repetitive game.

The game's esthetic is very nice and beautiful overall. The colors of neons in terms of blues, greens, yellows and magentas are very flashy and pleasing to the eye.

The music can be very repetitive but some tracks are really great to listen to.

The game was made by a Chinese developer, and I really enjoyed how much time and effort they put in. I personally played with Japanese dub. But to have the option of either Japanese or Chinese dub is nice.

The game suffers from repetitive syndrome where its "get from point A to Point B, but the catch is there's enemies who block your way, so you're not allowed to move until you kill all the enemies on the screen. It's takes the beats from 2D beat em ups and applies them to 3D, and it works sometimes. Though the repetitiveness of fighting the same enemies over and over can get very boring.

The character designs are really nice though, Yumo is very cute and badass when she's both in her regular human and D ARMS mode. LEO is a badass uncle type of character, who reminds me a lot of Dojima from Persona 4 Original/GOLDEN. BAHET is a cool nerdy character who sort of reminds of characters like Makoto Yuki/Minato Arisato from Persona 3 mixed with Yusuke From Persona 5, being obsessed with Music instead of Art. Le Viada who is just a Ara Ara Milf anime woman, who's actually very likeable and funny. Boss who's a typical kawaii trope character except she's tough while in a ridiculous statue (sadly we never get to see her true form in this game, however I hope in Dusk Diver 2 we see her true form). Namea who's a cheeky little devil of a girl who just wants to have friends and has a justified reason for doing the things she's does.

There's only 1 bad character in the game and thats honestly Yumo's friend Yusha, being completely useless up until the end, and mostly getting herself in shitty situations.

The designs for the characters are very unique, personally I love Yumo's design with the aqua/cyan hair, and when going super splits between Cyan and Yellow hair, it's really nice.
La Viada has a nice rack, and is drawn and model beautifully.
The Super moves with each Kunlunian is very badass and explosive to witness.

The game most certainly is inspired by Persona in several aspects, like Social Links (but here they're just called Friendship level) however the only real way to increase the Friendship is by eating food in all the restaurants, and it's a pain having to walk to different restaurants to increase said levels for Leo, Bahet, or Le Viada, however it unlocks cool new optional moves to use along side them. To Prove further that this most likely was inspired by Persona in some way, the whole Ximending and Youshanding, is very similar to Persona 5's Shibuya and the Cognitive world. Now this is not the say this is a detriment to the game, this is just to say that this was in some way clearly inspired. Proving this further is the villian wanting to fuse Youshanding World with the city of Ximending, similar to Persona 5. The game has these moments where the characters hang out which is clearly also inspired by Persona 5, even done to the fun jokes.

This is not to say this is AN AMAZING SPIRITUAL SUCCESSOR, if anything it's a has a copy, but it's not as great as Persona 5, the story is very bare bones and while the characters are fun, and the villian has a reasonable motivation, it's still needed more than just "beat this enemy, run here to this exclamation mark, beat up more enemies for the door way blocking your path to open up. Maybe press a switch, and fight a boss which is just a regular enemy you'll face later in the game, until you meet the TRUE BOSSES."

Not to knock the True bosses btw, they're very fun and the music that plays is very great as well.

Ximending has a lot of side missions called Links you can do to increase a meter powering up your Super/D ARMS mode that helps a lot, and when maxing out allows you to wear the Outfit without having to go Super.

The game is a very repetitive experience, however the characters are very enjoyable, and the experience is fun for the most part.

Dusk Diver 2 is coming out soon so the improvements I hope to see for the next game are:

1. A Greater Story
2. More character interactions that show the characters more expressive than just their standard emotions.
3. Ximending to be more expansive in terms of its overall size and scope of the city.
4. Youshanding/other world being more than just "beat up these guys here and there and move on, and point a to point B"
5. Romance if optional.
6. Bigger levels with different gymics, that make the experience more fun and unique than just a beat em up, if it becomes an rpg like xenoblade mixed with the beat em up style, that would be perfect.

Overall I can't say this is an amazing game or a bad game, its good but not great but as a start to a franchise it's a great start, and I look forward to seeing the improvements in Dusk Diver 2.

If you were hesitant on this game I recommend if you like beat ems, nice music, funny characters, but you are also patient with its repetitive nature.
Overall I have to give this game a 3.5/5 Stars 😎🙏🏻

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2022
