Far Cry 4 is a great game and sequel that isn't as good as FAR CRY 3 or 2 but is still a great time to play through in terms of gameplay. Again with Far Cry having an amazing focus more so on the villain instead of the protagonist however in this situation... it feels like even though the open world is nice to go through and experience and have fun with, the story is a bit... crap.

Like the entire point is to fight against Pagan Min's dictatorship in the fictional country of Kyrat (which has elements of Nepal), however there are essentially 2 factions in a group that you can choose to side with via the 2 leaders of the "THE GOLDEN PATH" these being Amita and Sabal.
Amita is straight up unlikable and is overall just unreasonable with what she wants to do with Kyrat after the death of Pagan Min, which is make Kyrat a country that sells and distributes drugs to other countries, while forcing young kids to become soldiers against their will.
Then you have Sabal, who wants the past traditions of Kyrat to be reinstated and essentially try to make the country peaceful again.... yeah right. What actually happens is he forces the 14 year old Bhadra to become essentially a symbol and icon of "sins that can only be washed away in blood" and Sabal essentially wants a mass execution of Golden Path Members who sided with Amita, and people who sided with Pagan Min... along with those not willing to be apart of SABAL' s THE GOLDEN PATH government. Essentially if you side with Sabal you're siding with Mao Zendong or Joseph Stalin but for Kyrat. If you side with Amita you're siding with Fidel Castro.

Honestly... the best ending is the joke ending... so much so it's THE CANONICAL TRUE ENDING... that being that during the beginning of the game, the protagonist is traveling to Kyrat to leave his Mom's ashes and he meets his uncle... PAGAN MIN who is the leader of the country. Before that you're nearly attacked by rebels and nearly killed by a soldier only for him to save you, while your smuggler friend is captured and tortured.
What happens is you're eating at the dinner table with Pagan only for him to get called away for important business and asks you to stay and eat.

IF YOU STAY WAITING FOR 15 MINUTES Pagan will come back and take you to where you'll place your Mother's ashes next to her daughter... the protagonist sister he didn't know he had. Pagan Min shares a heart to heart moment with the protag and finally the last thing he says is... "Oh good! You feel better now? Get it out of your system? Good... Maybe now we can finally shoot some goddamn guns!" as the game ends and credits role.

This is a JOKE ENDING but was like much more than the other 2 endings and overall is such a nice addition that it's become THE CANONICAL ENDING OF THE GAME. As in a realistic situation, others would do the same.

I wanted to mention that the reason I've referred to the protagonist as "THE PROTAG" is because honestly AJAY (yes that his name) is literally non existent in terms of speaking, you experience everything through his eyes and he says nothing, which can be both a nice POV EXPERIENCE in terms of the gameplay but very weird in terms of the story.
Regardless, the game is great in terms of gameplay and exploring Kyrat, but the main story sucks in terms of both outcomes in terms of ACTUALLY EXPLORING the open land of Kyrat. But the secret ending (the canon one) is a great cherry on top.
No where near as good as Far Cry 3, but still a great experience.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2022

1 Comment

9 months ago

quick corrections, pagan isn't ajay's uncle, and ajay does talk and have dialogue (though you might've just been exaggerating with that, he Is still pretty quiet)

somehow had no idea they'd made the pagan ending the canon one though, that's awesome that was my favourite one