The most basic math game you could ever play, that was officially sold for the 2600. But regardless of that, it's genuinely pleasant to listen and if you're really good at math, you'll enjoy it. However honestly this was made for kids who are barely starting multiplication and division but at the very least playing it an experiencing it once within the Atari 2600 was really nice.

It has a total of 8 modes:

1 - Addition - Choose a top Number
2. Subtraction - Choose a top Number
3. Multiplication - Choose a top Number
4. Division - Choose a top Number
5. Random Addition
6. Random Subtraction
7. Random Multiplication
8. Random Division

Each with unique colors to distinguish between them, though you should already know how to distinguish them because they're literally classified as 4 different types of math solving. Though I will say even though I'm a fan of multiplication, for the 7th mode which is random multiplication, they couldn't have picked worse colors to blend in to each other. They decided to pick this dark yellow with a darker yellow for the actual math problems so it's barely visible. I luckily can distinguish between the tones of yellow, but if your color blind you'd have no clue what the hell you're seeing.

Still though for what it is, I can see it being really helpful for kids back then, but it's honestly equivalent to playing with a calculator or doing homework at home. Still had a fun time with it even if it is just doing math problems. Played this on Atari 50

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2023
