Honestly even if it is just a different version of asteroids, It's just not as fun as the original nor the 2600 version. The game feels a lot more floaty compared to original, where deaths seem to come cheaper. The new enemies that appear from this diamond shaped ship thing are very cheap because it's not a ship that can be easily taken out.
It doesn't help that said ship also is essentially like a beehive where even if you destroy it, it's base is made out of tiny other ships that are faster, and follow you precisely where you're going.

Also when playing this, theres always a infinite area to move in, in the sense that if you move to the right side of the screen you'll appear on the left side, original asteroids does this great, but here in Deluxe the border doesn't count as border for the game, so you'll have these 2 areas full of bull because the game doesn't extend that far, so when you move to the right, you'll pop out on the left.

In original asteroids, when you do that you can see the end of the border because the game is fitted around the style of the arcade machine, here it feel like they didn't have a big enough tv to make the transition feel similar to the original.

Idk, i prefer original and 2600, this ones meh. Played apart of Atari 50.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2023
