GRAPHICS: Interesting, colour-poppy, and eye-catching. The 2D character models on 3D backgrounds and how they incorporated that was actually pretty cool. Character models have a lot of fun variety, ranging from pretty average little dudes (Makoto and Toko), to conventionally attractive model-types (Junko and Sayaka), to genuinely unconventional and unique (Sakura, Hifumi, Mondo, Hiro, Celeste... honestly, most of them have some unique visual trait about them). The colour scheme and pink blood gives the whole thing a kind of bubblegum splatterpunk vibe that I'm super into.
CHARACTERS: Great range of personalities, and their different 'Ultimate Talents' lends some more differences between their backgrounds. You have the fashionista model, the jock, the stoic one, the prep, all those cliches - and then they often turn out to be nothing like you'd expect from those cliches. My personal favourites were Byakuya and his smug assholery, Chihiro and his sweet timidity, Sakura and her iron moral code, and Leon and his absolute belief in his own charisma - though I also grew oddly fond of Hifumi after playing through his School Mode route before anyone else's.
DIALOGUE/WRITING: Everyone kind of acknowledges this can get pretty wacky, and, I mean, yeah. There's a talking robot bear who sometimes speaks aloud in emoticons for the hell of it. Don't take it too seriously and you'll probably have a fun time. The plot twists are genuinely great if you go in at least partly blind like I did - I knew Junko would have some greater significance (can't really avoid that with how ever-present she is online) and I kind of got the general gist as to what that significance would be, and I was able to figure out some cases fairly easily, but others caught me genuinely off-guard, and it was super fun to play through them with my fiancee watching me as we both tried to guess what would be revealed.
GAMEPLAY: It's a visual novel, so expect a lot of clicking, a lot of reading, some dialogue options, and not a lot of physical gameplay. I enjoy visual novels, so the gameplay was enjoyable for me.

Favourite Male Character: Byakuya, Chihiro, Leon
Favourite Female Character: Sakura
First Character I Liked: Byakuya
Favourite Character Design: Mukuro-as-Junko (it's the freckles!)
Favourite OST: TBA
Favourite Scene: The ending
Least Favourite Character: Probably Toko

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2023
