I liked it fine, though I really don't understand the hype around the ending. I played it because everyone around me kept raving about this iconic, shocking, jaw-dropping ending, and then I got there and I was just like... this is it? Surely, something else must happen. Nope, the camera's zooming out. The credits are rolling. That was seriously it. Well, okay.

I found myself looking up explanations of the end not because I was genuinely hooked on theories and possibilities like I enjoy being, but because I assumed I must have missed something massive, because it was so jarring and random and out-of-place that I figured there had to be more to it. Nope, it was just that.

I'd still recommend it, though. Everyone else seems to think it's something special, so I'm inclined to accept I'm one of the odd ones out here. It's short, and a fun experience to actually play through, so why not?

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

Yeah, idk why people hype up the ending. I liked the game a lot because I found it very suspenseful and thrilling.